+44 (0) 1283 223697

Parents Association


Friday 18th October 2019 - Disco - Lower School 6.00pm - 7.00pm, Upper School 7.15pm - 8.30pm.
Friday 22nd November 2019 - Film night (Yr 6) - 6.00pm

About Us

The Pennine Way Parents Association was formed in May 2011 with the following aims:-

  •         To undertake fundraising activities independently for the benefit of the school and the children.
  •         To support the school in their own fundraising activities.
  •         To support events within the school.
  •         To provide support to the teaching staff.
  •         To provide a voice for parents.

Chairperson     -   Stacey Saddington
Treasurer         -   Caroline Hughes
Secretary         -  

If you would like to contact the PTA , volunteer or have any suggestions then this can be done by writing to us care of the school office or via email parents@pennineway.derbyshire.sch.uk or ajones@pennineway.derbyshire.sch.uk

School Address: Pennine Way, Swadlincote, Derbyshire, DE11 9EY

Our volunteers are:-

Emma Smith

Helen Bennett

The PTA has so far raised well over £4,000.

We have donated £3,000 towards the play ground equipment and hope to be able to give the same amount towards the new library.

If you have any suggestions on how you would like the money spent or any fund raising ideas then please contact us on the above email address.

Many thanks